突然老婆告訴我她在溫哥華的一個閨中密友 Yoko要來探訪。Yoko是一個中日混血兒,丈夫是壽司師傅,在溫哥華開壽司店,生意好得不得了,忙得完全沒有時間給家人,Yoko給他冷落家中,無聊起來便買機票飛過來找老婆去玩。
因為我們住的地方沒什麼好玩,老婆便打算和Yoko去別的地方玩, 我馬上告訴亞當和亞祖。亞祖馬上便想到藉口帶她們去打獵,可以一夥人在亞當的別墅住幾天,到時再製造機會。
Yoko 在戶外玩了一天,加上晚飯又喝了酒,一吃完飯便說很疲倦想回房睡覺。亞當便說他的房間有HotTub(按摩浴池),疲倦了只要在裏面浸一下便會消除疲勞,保證很舒服。Yoko 想到在陌生男人的房間,和他們一起浸在浴缸有點兒那個,本來不想去,但老婆說HotTub很大,可以坐八個人,大家穿泳衣就像游泳一樣,沒有什麼問題,Yoko在她的慫恿之下便答應了。
Me:Guys, how did it go?
Joe:We talked Chinese Doll (the way they call my wife, will use CD later to save time) to bring Yoko to Don’s room to join us in the hot tub. CD was in her bra and panties and Yoko was wearing a bikini. We sat and chat and and serve them Champagne
Me:Wow, first red wine then sparkle wine in a hot tub, they must be drunk in no time
Don:Oh yeah, they look like a red tomato in 15 minutes and could not stop giggling
Joe:CD was seating next to me, and once relaxed and get tipsy she was leaning on me and my hand was under her underwear. She let me finger her to climax right in front of her innocent friend who had no clue what is going on under the bubbling water
Me:That was hot…
Don:I made my move to Yoko too, and at first she look confused and let me grab her breast. Her nipple harden right the way!
Joe:And when they were making out I push down my shorts, push CD’s panties aside and slide my dick into her pussy
Joe:CD was so drunk she did not even try to protest, just sit on me and moved her hips up and down in the water
Don:I pulled Yoko to me and slide my hand between her legs, and rub her pussy too…she moans and trembles, like she had not been touched by a man before
Joe:I watch Don and Yoko and cum in CD’s pussy in no time
Don:I continue to work on Yoko and soon she was panting like a dog and her body shivered like a leaf…I was sure she came!
Me:Wow (again, what can I say? I just hope that was me there fingering Yoko’s pussy)
Don:Then I tried to fuck her in the hot tub
Don:Yes, I tried. I couldn’t believe Yoko still say no after I finger fucked her to climax! After all those drinks I already took off her bikini …
Joe:Haha…they are floating on the water, I thought you already put your dick in her pussy
Me:Why you did not fuck her?
Don:She said she had husband, never have another man, pushed me away, cried and then climbed out of the hot tub naked and ran to her own room.
Don:I had a full erection and was longing for a good fuck, and then Yoko is gone! I tried to catch her but CD stopped me.
Me:Must had leave you high and dry…
Don:Not for long, I just turn to CD, torn off her panties and mounted her from behind
Joe:I did not know why, I finger CD to a climax, fuck her silly to another, and still felt she want more
Me:Really? (他們不知老婆在情人節那一次試過群交,不但一個對四個給約翰一夥精壯男人幹得高潮一個接一個,最後還給約翰用手指弄得潮吹,那感覺又震撼又迷戀,胃口更大了。)
Don:At first I thought she could not handle my big cock, but it slides almost all the way in
Joe:You are not as big as you keep telling us…LOL
Don:Fuck no…remember last time I fuck her when she passed out? I could only put half of it in and no more
Joe:That was true, she got a tight pussy
Me:So what happened after?
Don:Nothing too exciting, fucked her hard, she moaned and screamed when she came, I made her came a few more times then I shot my cum into her. When I was done with her Joe was hard again so he took her to my bed and fuck her.
Joe:That was no fun, her pussy was so used I can hardly felt it around my dick.
Don:I told you, I am BIG!!!
Joe:I push my dick in CD’s pussy for a few times and did not even felt it wrap around my cock.
Don:You are too small! LOL
Joe:Small my ass. I am 7 inches, not small…your 12 inch is just not normal at all
Me: So, what happened?
Joe:After fucking her for a few stroke I pulled out and let Don fuck her again
Me:Don just came!
Don:With a horny bitch like this, I can do it all night
Joe:Her pussy was a mess…my cum and Don’s cum all squeezed out when Don’s cock slide in.
Me:Sweet, cream pie!
Joe:I did not know what get into her, but she just couldn’t stop…she was riding Don and screaming in ecstasy
Don:Every woman love a big dick
Me:So you just watched?
Joe:Of course not, I rubbed the cum that was dripping down from the pussy to her butt hole…
Me:What are you doing....
Joe: Gave her some lubrication and prepare her, then I aimed my cock at her ass and thrust it in behind her
Me:She let you do it?
Joe:No God No… With the Champagne and a good fuck CD’s mind was slow, but the minute I thrust my hard cock in she screamed at once and tried to get up. However Don helped me held her down and with his dick up in her pussy she could not do much
Don:But she really fights it at first, tried to get up and avoid Joe, but I give her a big deep thrust of my big cock and she collapse on me.
Me:She ok? (I started to get a bit worried that they hurt my wife)
Joe:Her ass was so tight…almost like fucking a virgin..the cum did a good job lubricating it though.
Don:Haha…now you felt how my big cock felt in a woman’s pussy, a small dick needed a smaller hole!
Me:You have it all into her? (7 inch is still bigger than me! This is the first time my wife had anal, it must hurt!)
Joe:Not after a few try. The first time I only get an inch or so in it, but then it get in deeper and deeper. When she collapses on Don I was over her doggy style, and that was when I finally got it all in.
Don:I knew, my dick in her pussy can felt something poking from behind her, and I saw her bit her lips and roll her eyes when you did that!
Joe:Now that you mention it I thought I felt you in her too…fuck…that was sick
Me:So you two fucked her at the same time!
Don:Yes, one in each hole..
Joe:And her ass was so tight I had a hard time to keep myself from coming, she got to be an anal virgin
Me:How did she react (I am still worried!)
Don:Just like any woman who had anal the first time, first scared, confused, and getting used to it, and finally enjoying it.
Joe:Right on, at first I can felt her moving her ass away to avoid me, but later she was just moving back and forth so she could have our dick fucking her pussy and ass alternately. She stopped after a few more climax, and we both came into her holes.
Don:I never knew CD could fuck that wild.
Joe:Yeah, I knew she enjoy sex, just not sure what get her that far……maybe John trained her somehow
Don:Who fucking cared, we had a good fuck and tomorrow we try to get Yoko again.
Me:What are they doing now?
Joe: I don’t know, after we finished with CD she fell asleep, and when she woke up she went to check on Yoko and does not come out. We’re going to get some rest so we can fuck them silly tomorrow again.
話說Yoko雖然 在半醉中給亞當上下其手佔盡了便宜,但當她一感到亞當的巨根扺著自己小穴插了一點進去,馬上激起良家人妻保護自己的本能, 掙扎逃回自己房間把門反鎖。
Yoko 靜靜打開房門,小心翼翼的走回亞當房外,探頭一看便剛好看到老婆作亞當亞祖人肉三文治的一幕!Yoko想不到我老婆是這麼淫浪的人,最初只以為他們在強姦她,一面偷看,一面著急想找辦法幫我老婆。
雖然說Yoko 忍不住,但這平日正經八百的人妻可不敢亂來。她沒有像大家想的去加入他們,只是靜靜回到房間,把亞當之前弄得自己半天吊的慾念用手自己解決了。Yoko弄完不敢入睡,好不容易才等到老婆完事回房時經過,馬上拉了她進房,説自己除了丈夫沒有其他男人,不想這様玩,更求她乘亞當亞祖睡了時一起開溜,結果弄到老婆連沐浴的機會也沒有,便匆匆披上衣服,底褲載著倒流出來的精液便和她駕車離去。
Yoko: 有冇搞錯,帶我來玩呢D?
老婆: 你話你老公好忙,成日都唔掂你,我諗你都想要咪玩佢地喂飽你囉。
Yoko: 我有老公,有需要都唔可以亂嚟架嘛
老婆: 山長水遠佢又唔會知,怕乜嘢
Yoko: 總之我接受唔到
老婆: 我最初都好似你咁接受唔到,不過玩開了可不覺什麼一回事
Yoko: 你變壞咗啦
老婆: 有乜壞唔壞,你估男人有機會唔去滾咩,正話係HotTub見到你同亞當攬埋一舊,連泳衣都比佢除晒係咁摸,咪幾舒服
Yoko: 我醉左之嘛
老婆: 但係我聽到你俾佢用手卒到又叫又呻吟236504